Crafted for memories
Escape to luxury and savings with our irresistible deals and packages at Pickalbatros Blu Spa Resort. Take advantage of exclusive discounted rates, all-inclusive offers bundling gourmet dining, premium drinks and activities, and customized packages for romantic getaway. Receive VIP treatment with perks like spa credits and excursions. Our promotions blend luxury amenities, services and savings so you can enjoy the full resort experience at an affordable price. With tempting limited-time offers and tailored packages, now is the time to book your dream coastal getaway and relax in luxury at Pickalbatros Blu Spa Resort.
Immerse yourselves in an oasis of romance, where every detail is crafted with the utmost care at Pickalbatros hotels and resorts.
Immerse yourselves in an oasis of romance, where every detail is crafted with the utmost care at Pickalbatros hotels and resorts
Book directly and receive an additional 5% discount on your stay at Pickalbatros Hotels and Resorts.